速報APP / 工具 / IIJ SmartKey

IIJ SmartKey



檔案大小:28.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

IIJ SmartKey(圖1)-速報App

Only enterprise user needs to register your device.

You can skip registering your device, if you don't need it.

The IIJ SmartKey app produces one-time passwords that conform to TOTP (RFC 6238) standards and can be used in the 2-step verification processes of a variety of online services supporting TOTP.

Strengthen your online service security by linking this app, installed to your smartphone device, with your ID/password verification processes.

Slide authentication can be used (ver 2.0).

When logging in to a service that supports slide authentication, you will receive a push notification on your smartphone. Then you can pull the service icon for 2-step verification.

For details, please visit http://www.iij.ad.jp/biz/smartkey-m/ (Written in Japanese).

* To use slide authentication, you must register your device.

■ Special Features

* Protects against unauthorized access by allowing the user to lock the app using a Touch ID or passcode.

* Supports device changes and data backups by handing over settings between devices.

* Compatible with the Google Authenticator (TOTP authentication).

IIJ SmartKey(圖2)-速報App

* Supports slide authentication.

* Easy to see and read, simple and refined design.

■ Confirmed Supported Services (TOTP authentications)

* Amazon Web Services

* Dropbox

* Evernote

* Facebook

* GitHub

* Google Accounts

* Google Apps for Work

* IIJ Omnibus

* IIJ Secure MX Service

IIJ SmartKey(圖3)-速報App

* Microsoft Accounts

* Slack

* WordPress.com

■ Confirmed Supported Services (Slide authentications)

* Additional details on available services is expected soon.

■■ Please make sure to read the information below before using the app.

* When switching devices, please check the app help page (https://www1.auth.iij.jp/smartkey/en/help_v2.html) before transferring service settings from your old device to the new one.

* Please ensure that you confirm service restoration procedures for the various online services you utilize in advance to protect yourself against cases in which you are unable to complete the 2-step verification process due to device loss or accidental deletion of service settings.

* When backing up this app to iTunes, it is necessary to encrypt the backup files. This app does not support backups to the iCloud service.

■User Agreement

All users of this app must consent to the User Agreement found below before using the app.


IIJ SmartKey(圖4)-速報App


Mentioned company names and service names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

IIJ SmartKey(圖5)-速報App
